We Are On a Mission to Clear Karmic Debt & Break Generational Curses.
We are the totality of all of ancestors expressed in different frequency and vibration with it's associated karmic responsibility at our incarnation. Whether it’s the color of our eyes, the way we fold our lips or experience innate phobias, their imprints mold the people we are today.
Some of our features are genetic and cannot be changed, while others are epigenetic (passed down) and are triggered by our environment (people, place, thing or event). The epigenetics of our ancestors travel from one generation to the next and records our collective light and karma. Energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transmuted.

About Rohan Clarke (Divine Light)
From an early age, Rohan was very aware of the suffering of the world, more intimately in Jamaica where he was born and raised. His awakening at an early age, caused him to perceive life differently from most people. Hence, he always wanted to make a difference. Through his experience he realized that there was a struggle going on inside of him and he longed for peace of mind, a life of grace and ease and abundance in all areas, he truly believes this is possible and actually feels this is how life was meant to be.
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Disclaimer: Rohan Clarke is not a physician or health care professional. He does not diagnose or treat disease. His work is complementary to and supportive of necessary professional health care. His work is not intended to replace any medical psychological or psychiatric diagnosis or treatments or prescriptions without first consulting with your healthcare professional. By participating in this offering, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the above.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Rohan Clarke and/or Aligned Inspired Mission (Author) present the entire content of this website for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions, nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure such conditions. In presenting, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing treating operating, or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Any techniques the author or publisher address only pertain to the underlying spiritual issues that may affect human well-being.